DisCO Manifesto Hyperlinks
From DisCO Ball Wiki

- Design by Mireia Juan Cuco, FLOU FLOU
This is an ordered list of all hyperlinks featured in the main text of the DisCO Manifesto, including footnotes or in-document links. The list has been revised and updated in October 2024 to update dead links since the original November 2019 publication date.
Title Pages
- Super Sad True Love Story. Wikipedia Article
- Peer Production License. DisCO Ball wiki
- Think Global, Print Local and licensing for the Commons. Stacco Troncoso, Stacco.works, May 2016
- DisCO Manifesto Design and Images. DisCO Ball wiki

If I Can't Dance… Foreword by Ruth Catlow
- Furtherfield. Furtherfield website
- DECAL. DECAL minisite
Foreword Footnotes:
- Julio Linares bio. Re:publica website
- The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao. Damien Walter, Damien Walter's website, November 2010
- Elinor Ostrom's Rules for Radicals. Cooperative Alternatives beyond Markets and States. Derek Wall, Pluto Press, 2017
- Past, Present, Future: From Co-ops to Cryptonetworks. Jesse Walden, a16z crypto, March 2019
- Blockchain Just Isn’t As Radical As You Want It To Be. Rachel O'Dwyer, Longreads, August 2017

DisCO Manifesto Chapters
(These are direct links to the online version of the DisCO Manifesto)[1]
- Chapter 1: Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction.
- Chapter 2: You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter
- Chapter 3: Last Night a Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life
- Chapter 4: Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation and the Guerrilla Media Collective
- Chapter 5: Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism
- Chapter 6: Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy
- Chapter 7: The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten
DisCO Manifesto Sections
(These are direct links to relevant sections of the DisCO Manifesto)[2]
- Examining the role of supposedly disruptive technologies in social change
- Comparing DisCOs to DAOs
- Standing for "distributed" over "decentralized"
- Standing for "cooperative" over "autonomous."
- The four main components of the DisCO framework
- The Seven DisCO principles
- The lived experience of a commons-oriented collective
- The governance/economic model
- The issue of care work
- The Community Algorithmic Trust, or DisCO CAT
- Radical workplace democracy
- Our concept for the future of work
- Demographics included within the DisCO framework
- On the DisCO project
Other links
- The Commons and P2P. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Open Cooperativism and the Social Solidarity Economy. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Feminist Economics. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Open Value Accounting and Radical Distributed Tech. DisCO Ball Wiki
- DisCO Manifesto Hyperlinks. DisCO Ball Wiki
- DisCO Manifesto Vids. YouTube Playlist
- DisCO Manifesto Trailer. DisCO.coop YouTube channel
- DisCO.coop. DisCO.coop website
- Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life: A brief introduction to DisCOs. Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel, Hackernoon, July 2019

CHAPTER 1: Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction
- Deep Blue versus Gary Kasparov. Wikipedia article
- Twenty years on from Deep Blue vs Kasparov: how a chess match started the big data revolution. Mark Robert Anderson, The Conversation, May 2017
- Centaur Chess Shows Power of Teaming Human and Machine. Mike Cassidy, Huffington Post, December 2014
- What are humans still good for? The turning point in Freestyle chess may be approaching. Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution, November 2013
- How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained. Simply Explained YouTube channel, November 2017
- What do we mean by “blockchains are trustless”? Preethi Kasireddy, Medium, February 2018
- What’s the Difference Between Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology? Anthony Back, Medium, February 2019
- What Are Smart Contracts? CryptoNinjas website
- Decentralized Autonomous Organization Wikipedia article
- Blockchain for International Development: Using a Learning Agenda to Address Knowledge Gaps. John Burg, Christine Murphy, and Jean Paul Pétraud, MERL Tech, November 2018
- The Story of the DAO — Its History and Consequences. Samuel Falkon, Medium, December 2017
- The DAO Hack: Understanding the Infamous Attack. Artem Minaev. CryptoDose, June 2023
- Decentralized Application. Wikipedia article
- Ethereum DApp User Counts Are Shockingly Low, Indicating Lack Of Adoption. CryptoIQ, Cryptodaily.co.uk, December 2018
- Facebook Reports First Quarter 2019 Results Meta Investor Relations, April 2019
- New study quantifies bitcoin’s ludicrous energy consumption. Timothy B. Lee, Ars Technica, May 2018
- Blockchain: What’s it good for? Absolutely nothing, report finds. Lucas Mearian, ComputerWorld, December 2018
- Patterns for Decentralised Governance and why Blockchain Doesn’t Decentralise Power… Unless You Design It To. Richard D. Bartlett, P2P Foundation blog, September 2017
- Big Blockchain: The 50 Largest Public Companies Exploring Blockchain. Michael del Castillo, Forbes, July 2018
- HSBC Controversies. Wikipedia article section
- HSBC leans on blockchain tech to process $250b worth of fx transactions. Yessi Bello Perez, The Next Web, January 2019
- HSBC settles $250bn of FX transactions using distributed ledger technology. HSBC press release, January 2019
- Facebook Makes First Blockchain Acquisition With Chainspace: Sources. Alex Heath, Cheddar News, February 2019
- DECODE: Powering civic good with a blockchain. Chainspace, Medium, December 2018
- Facebook May Pose a Greater Danger Than Wall Street. Ellen Brown, Truthdig. June 2019
- The obscure London startup that made Facebook's Libra possible. Gian M. Volpicelli, Wired, June 2019
- IBM's Role in the Holocaust -- What the New Documents Reveal. Edwin Black, Huffington Post, March 2015
- The Shortsightedness of Blockchain Disillusionment. Avivah Litan, Originally published in Gartner, September 2018. Archived in the DisCO Ball wiki.
- Blockchain & Crypto Hype Cycle: Where We’re at and What’s Coming Next. Anthony Back, Medium, November 2018
- Emma Goldman’s dance revolution: a lesson in historical inaccuracy and meme devolvement. D.M. Collings, A Rrose in a Prose Revival! (sic), May 2018. Archived in the DisCO Ball wiki
Chapter 1 Footnotes:
- Blockchain Course. Systems Innovation, YouTube Playlist
- Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps. Daniel Drescher, Apress, March 2017
- Sam Hart. Personal website
- Eleftherios Diakomichalis. Web3 Summit 2018 bio page.
- What is Ethereum (ETH)? Originally published in ethos.io. Archived in the DisCO Ball wiki.
- Permissioned Blockchain: Definition, Examples, vs. Permissionless. Julius Manda, Investopedia. Updated July 2024

CHAPTER 2: You say Potato, I say Decentralized: Semantics Matter
- DAOs, DACs, DAs and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide. Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Foundation Blog, May 2014
- Paul Baran and the Origins of the Internet. Author unknown, Rand Corporation, March 2018
- On Distributed Communications 1. Introduction to Distributed Communications Networks. Paul Baran, Rand Corporation, August 1964
- You Can't Code Away Their Wealth. Dmytri Kleiner video presentation. DisCO.coop YouTube Channel
- Dmytri Kleiner bio. Platform Cooperative Consortium
- David de Ugarte Biography. Guerrilla Translation, March 2014
- Why Centralized Cryptocurrency Mining Is a Growing Problem. Nathan Reiff, Investopedia, October 2021
- Life Inside a Chinese Bitcoin Mine. Motherboard Staff, Motherboard, Vice, December 2018
- Bitcoin emissions alone could push global warming above 2°C. Camilo Mora et al. Nature Climate Change, October 2018
- Bitcoin Inequality Statistics. P2P Foundation Wiki
- What to do once you admit that decentralizing everything never seems to work. Nathan Schneider, Hackernoon, September 2019
- 10 Tasty Bitcoin cakes and cookies. Ofir Beigel, 99 Bitcoins, June 2019
- Heterarchy. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Equipotentiality. P2P Foundation Wiki
- How to change the course of human history. David Graeber and David Wengrow, Eurozine, March 2018
- Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet? Primavera De Filippi, Guerrilla Translation, November 2014
- Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet? Video Lecture. Primavera De Filippi. Berkman Klein Center, April 2014
- Skynet (Terminator). Wikipedia article
- Watson Supercomputer to Compete on 'Jeopardy!' -- Powered by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM POWER7. PR Newswire, February 2011
- IBM Watson. Wikipedia article.
- IBM Watson: Final Jeopardy! and the Future of Watson. IBM YouTube Channel, February 2011
- IBM Watson AI criticised after giving 'unsafe' cancer treatment advice. Natasha Bernal, The Telegraph, July 2018
- IBM Turns Watson Into A Cybersecurity Weapon Amid White House Interest. Alex Konrad, Forbes, February 2017
- IBM CEO Ginni Rometty staff email addresses Trump immigration order, council participation. Darrell Etherington, TechCrunch, February 2017
- IBM Blockchain. IBM website.
- Exvestment. P2P Foundation Wiki.
- Why We Cooperate. Michael Tomasello, The Montreal Review, September 2011
- Alice Roberts & Michael Tomasello - What Makes Us Human?, Inspiration Journey Youtube Channel, September 2014.
- Associationalism. Wikipedia article.
- The Commons, Short and Sweet. David Bollier, P2P Foundation blog, September 2017
- Cooperative identity, values & principles. International Cooperative Alliance website.
- Transformative Economies. Ripess Europe website
Chapter 2 Footnotes:
- Bitcoin Community Engagement by Gender Summary. Coindance
- The BIG Ethereum survey - THE RESULTS! Reddit, 2017
- She256. She256 website
- Women on the Block. Women on the Block website
- Global Women in Blockchain. Global Women in Blockchain website
- Crypto Knitting Circles. Allie Rutherford website
- Model Distributed Collaborative Organizations. Swarm Gitbook
- What to do once you admit that decentralizing everything never seems to work. Nathan Schneider, Hackernoon, October 2018
- 3.2 GB Block Sizes: Developers Bash Bitcoin Climate Change Study as ‘Fake News’. Wilma Woo, Bitcoinist, October 2019
- Beware of Lazy Research: Let’s Talk Electricity Waste & How Bitcoin Mining Can Power A Renewable Energy Renaissance. Christopher Bendiksen, CoinShares Research Blog, December 2018
- Stop worrying about how much energy bitcoin uses. Katrina Kelly-Pitou, The Conversation, August 2018
- Jaya Klara Brekke. Personal website
- Disassembling the Trust Machine, three cuts on the political matter of blockchain. Jaya Klara Brekke, Durham University, June 2019
- Free, Fair and Alive: The Insurgent Power of the Commons. David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, Heinrich Böll Foundation, New Society Publishers, Schumacher Center for a New Economy and Guerrilla Media Collective, September 2019

CHAPTER 3: Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life
- The Commons and P2P. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Seeing the Forest. David Bollier, Bollier.org, May 2015
- Water Commons. P2P Foundation blog
- Social Currencies. P2P Foundation blog
- Free Software. P2P Foundation blog
- Urban Commons. P2P Foundation blog
- Building the Open Source Circular Economy. P2P Foundation blog
- Patterns of Commoning Contents. Patterns of Commoning website
- Open Cooperativism and the Social Solidarity Economy. DisCO Ball Wiki
- A Shareable Explainer: What is a Platform Co-op? Maira Sutton, Cat Johnon and Neal Gorenflo. Shareable, August 2016
- Case Study: Enspiral. Commons Transition Primer website
- Case Study: Fairmondo. Commons Transition Primer website
- Julien Reynier And Fabrice Clerc From L’atelier Paysan On Self-Build Communities In Farming, Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation blog, March 2017
- Why AnyShare is the First ‘Complete’ Cooperative in the US. Darren Sharp, Shareable, March 2017
- Case Study: Mutual Aid Networks. Commons Transition Primer website
- Open Value Accounting and Radical Distributed Tech. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Re-imagining Value: Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and Nature. David Bollier, Commons Strategies Group, March 2017
- Case Study: Sensorica. Commons Transition Primer website
- Backfeed. P2P Foundation Wiki
- CoMakery. CoMakery website
- Metamaps. Metamaps website
- Feminist Economics. DisCO Ball Wiki
- What is Feminist Economics? Women's Budget Group, January 2018
- Why we need feminist economists. Naila Kabeer, Our Economy, March 2018
- From Platform to Open Cooperativism. Stacco Troncoso & Ann Marie Utratel, Stacco Troncoso blog, April 2017
- Cooperative identity, values & principles. International Cooperative Alliance website
- Reimagine, Don’t Seize, the Means of Production. Stacco Troncoso & Ann Marie Utratel, Truthout, January 2018
- Valueflows. Valueflows website
- Caring for the health of the collective. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Caring for the health of the members of the collective. DisCO Ball Wiki
- Federation Protocol. Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 4.0, DisCO Ball Wiki
- Cooperative identity, values & principles. International Cooperative Alliance website
- Off-Chain Governance. districtOx Educational Portal website
- P2P Foundation. P2P Foundation website
- About the P2P Foundation. P2P Foundation website
- The White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto. Guide by Jaya Klara Brekke, Ignota Books, January 2019
- P2P Foundation account previously associated with Satoshi Nakamoto makes a new post after four years of being inactive. Steven Zheng, The Block Crypto, December 2018
- Blockchain, P2P Foundation wiki
- About the P2P Lab. P2P Lab website
- The Commons Transition Primer. Commons Transition Primer website
- Ostrom’s Law: Property rights in the commons. Lee Anne Fennell, International Journal of the Commons, March 2011
- Forever 20 years away: will we ever have a working nuclear fusion reactor? Michael Brooks, The New Statesman, November 2014
- Research: Corporations Fail to Deliver on Blockchain Hype, Scalability a Top Concern. Avi Mizrahi, Bitcoin.com, October 2018
Chapter 3 Footnotes:
- P2P and the Commons Infographic. Commons Transition Primer
- Open Cooperativism Infographic. Commons Transition Primer
- Open Value Accounting slides ones and two. Mikorizal Software
- What is Feminist Economics infographic. Women's Budget Group
- John Frusciante quote. The Chilli Source
- Cooperative Pros and Cons
- Phyles. P2P Foundation wiki
- Federation is the Worst of all Worlds. Sarah Jamie Lewis, Field Notes, July 2018
- Reflections: The ecosystem is moving. Moxie Marlinspike, Signal blog, May 2016
- Mr. Peel Goes to Cyberspace. Dmytri Kleiner, Medium, April 2018
- Shatoshi Nakamoto. Wikipedia article
- Furtherfield. Furtherfield website
- DECAL. DECAL minisite
- SuperMarkt Berlin. SuperMarkt Website
- Ocean Protocol. Ocean Protocol website
- Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation. AIOTI website
- DGov Foundation. Dgov Foundation Medium
- Enspiral. Enspiral website
- DisCO Manifesto Credits. DisCO Ball wiki.
- Initial Coin Offering (ICO): Coin Launch Defined, With Examples. Investopedia, updated June 2024
- Half of ICOs Die Within Four Months After Token Sales Finalized. Olga Kharif, Bloomberg, July 2018
- Nearly half of all 2017 ICOs have failed. Aaron Hankin, MarketWatch, February 2018

CHAPTER 4: Punk Elegance: The Story of Guerrilla Translation and the Guerrilla Media Collective
- Guerrilla Media Collective. Guerrilla Media Collective website
- Guerrilla Translation. Guerrilla Translation blog
- Think Global, Print Local: A crowdfund for a new publishing and distribution network. Ann Marie Utratel, Shareable, February 2016
- Peer Production License. DisCO Ball wiki
- “Think Global, Print Local”: A Case Study On A Commons-Based Publishing And Distribution Model. Kostakis et al. Journal of Peer Production, May 2017
- Pensar desde los comunes de David Bollier, Medialab Matadero YouTube channel, filmed November 2016
- Guerrilla Translation's English blog. Guerrilla Translation website
- Guerrilla Translation's Spanish blog. Guerrilla Translation website
- Punk Elegance: How Guerrilla Translation reimagined itself for Open Cooperativism. Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel, Guerrilla Translation blog, August 2018
- Value Sovereignty. DisCO Ball wiki
- Expressions of power. Powercube website
- The Open Coop Governance Model in Guerrilla Translation: an Overview. Stacco Troncoso, Guerrilla Translation blog, September 2018
- Timothy McKeon. Guerrilla Media Collective website
- Sara Escribano
- Stacco Troncoso. Personal website
- Ann Marie Utratel. DisCO.coop
- Silvia López
- Bronagh Gallagher
- Lara San Mamés.
- Federation Protocol. Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 3.0, Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Community Rhythms. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Norms and boundaries. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Learn about the 7 DisCO Principles and Values. DisCO BALL Wiki
- Guerrilla Translation's Goals and Values. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Content Curation Guidelines. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Our Story and Founding Principles. Guerrilla Translation website
- Roles and responsibilities (in ascending order of participation). Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 3.0, Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Guerrilla Translation. Guerrilla Translation blog
- Main Page. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Mutual Support. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- The soft stuff is the hard stuff: the importance of a care work. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 3.0. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- Federation Protocol. Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 3.0, Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- PonzICO: Let's Just Cut to the Chase. PDF Whitepaper, May 2017
- New generations meet new alternatives: the Commons and the Youth Initiative Program. Stacco Troncoso, Stacco Troncoso blog, January 2019
- Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction: a video introduction to DisCOs. Stacco Troncoso, Stacco Troncoso blog, July 2019
- P2P and the Commons course with the Youth Initiative Program. Flickr photo Album. January 2019
- Spiralseed. Spiralseed website
- DECAL. DECAL minisite
- Commons Transition. Commons Transition Website
- Fairmondo Global. Fairmondo website
- Fairbnb. Fairbnb website
- La Louve. La Louve website
Chapter 4 Footnotes:
- Pensar desde los comunes. David Bollier, Guerrilla Translation, Traficantes de Sueños, Sursiendo, La Libre de Barranco, Tinta Limón, 2016
- Sacroeconomía: Dinero, Obsequio y Sociedad en la Era de Transición. Charles Eisenstein, New Society Publishers, April 2015
- Money & Life. Katie Teague, Guerrilla Translation blog, May 2013
- Guerrilla Translation. Guerrilla Translation English blog
- Guerrilla Translation. Guerrilla Translation Spanish blog
- Peer Production License. P2P Foundation wiki
- Copyleft. Wikipedia article
- Copyfarleft. Dmytri Kleiner, Mute, July 2007
- Guerrilla Translation Original Content. Guerrilla Translation website
- Guerilla Media Collective. Medium
- Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- The Open Coop Governance Model in Guerrilla Translation: an Overview. Stacco Troncoso, Guerrilla Translation blog, September 2018
- Contribution Tracking. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- What this looks like in practice: the Monthly Payment Pipeline. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Roles and responsibilities (in ascending order of participation). Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Committed relationships and membership: Guerrilla Translators. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Dating phase and basic responsibilities. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- The Guerrilla Translation Trust. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Community Rhythms. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Graduated sanctions for failing to meet quarterly quotas. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- What this looks like in practice: the Monthly Payment Pipeline. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Decision making processes. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Commons Transition and P2P, a Primer. TNI, May 2017
- The Commons Transition Primer. Commons Transition Primer website
- Re-imagining Value: Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and Nature. David Bollier, Commons Strategies Group, March 2017
- Changing Societies through Urban Commons Transitions. Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros, Heinrich Böll Foundation, February 2018
- The Catalan Integral Cooperative: An Organizational Study of a Post-Capitalist Cooperative. George Dafermos, P2P Foundation, Robin Hood Coop, November 2017
- Value in the Commons Economy: Developments in Open and Contributory Value Accounting. Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros, P2P Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation, September 2017
- Commons Strategies Group website
- P2P Foundation website
- Free, Fair and Alive website
- The Commoner Newsletter
- Voices of the Commons Podcast
- The Commons Transition Primer. Commons Transition Primer website
- Guerrilla Media Collective S.Coop.And de Interés Social. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Let Me Handbook That For You: A User’s Guide To Open Value Cooperativism. Timothy McKeon, Guerrilla Translation blog, August 2019

CHAPTER 5: Turn the Beat Around: Community Algorithmic Trusts and Care Oriented Cooperativism
- Many mistrust banks, but why you mistrust banks says a lot. Erika Vause, Aeon, November 2016
- Robert Anton Wilson. Wikipedia article
- Robert Anton Wilson on the Federal Reserve. YouTube video
- Trustless Technology: The Core of the Blockchain. Jason King, Blockchain Beach, February 2018
- Goodhart's law. Wikipedia article
- Interview: Ruth Potts. Ruth Potts with Jonny Gordon-Farleigh. Stir to Action, Spring 2018
- 'Stansted 15' protester Ruth Potts deportation concerns remain. Authors unknown, BBC News, January 2019
- Donna Haraway. Wikipedia article
- Blockchain Just Isn’t As Radical As You Want It To Be. Rachel O'Dwyer, Longreads, August 2017
- Blockchain and the Law. The Rule of Code. Primavera De Filippi and Aaron Wright. Harvard University Press, September 2018
- Donna Haraway, “Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene: Staying with the Trouble”, Anthropocene: Arts of Living on a Damage. Studio Olafur Eliasson Vimeo channel
- Online/offline? Online! DisCO BALL Wiki
- The Guerrilla Translation Handbooks. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Dating Phase for Transition Translators. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Dunbar's number. Wikipedia article
- In the Kitchens of the Metropolis: An Interview with Silvia Federici. Raia Small, Toward Freedom, October 2018
- The (A)Political Economy of Bitcoin. Vasilis Kostakis and Chris Giotitsas, Triple C, June 2014
- Commons-Based Peer Production in a Nutshell. P2P Value team, P2P Foundation blog, January 2017
- The Commons Transition Primer. Commons Transition Primer website
- Patterns of Commoning: Eight Design Principles for Successful Commons. Elinor Ostrom, Patterns of Commoning, January 2015
- Community Land Trusts, Urban Land Reform And The Commons. Pat Conaty and Mike Lewis, Commons Transition, July 2015
- Cats and the Internet. Wikipedia article.
- Quarterly: Retrospective. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Commitment Statement. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Nothing About Us Without Us. Wikipedia article
- Fear of missing out. Wikipedia article
Chapter 5 Footnotes:
- Free, Fair and Alive: The Insurgent Power of the Commons. David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, Heinrich Böll Foundation, New Society Publishers, Schumacher Center for a New Economy and Guerrilla Media Collective, September 2019
- Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Donna Haraway, Duke University Press, September 2016
- Blockchain and Public Administration: Primavera De Filippi. Barcelona Activa Youtube channel
- Smyths Toys - Classic Operation Game. Smyth Toys YouTube channel
- What are Convivial Tools? Convivial Tools website
- DAT Ecosystem. DAT ecosystem website
- Scuttlebutt Social Network. Scuttlebutt website
- IPFS. IPFS website

CHAPTER 6: Open-Value Co-ops for Radical Workplace Democracy
- The Financialization of Life. Salvatore Iaconesi, Medium, September 2017
- Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 3.0. Guerrilla Media Collective wiki
- DisCO Principles. DisCO Basics Website
- Quarterly: Retrospective. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- Seven DisCO Principles (link interno)
- Hebbian theory. Wikipedia article
- An intentional egalitarian community as a small-scale implementation of Post-Capitalism. Katarzyna Gajewska, P2P Foundation blog, July 2016
- Introduction to Cooperatives. Permanent Culture Now website
- About Platform Co-ops. Platform Cooperativism Consortium website
- Cooperativism in the digital era, or how to form a global counter-economy. Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Kostakis, Open Democracy, March 2017
- Social and Solidarity Economy. International Labour Organization website
- Microsolidarity homepage. Microsolidarity website
- How on Earth? Flourishing in a Not-for-Profit Economy by 2050. Donnie Maclurcan and Jen Hinton, Medium, July 2019
- The definitive guide to Secure Scuttlebutt. Cléber Zavadniak, Medium, April 2018
- How to reap the benefits of the "digital revolution"? Cosmolocalism YouTube channel, October 2019
- No Future: From Punk to Zapatismo and Connected Multitudes, Amador Fernánzed-Savater, Guerrilla Translation blog, July 2018
- Towards a Commons Creating Peer Economy. Silke Helfrich, Commons blog, May 2013
- Reimagine, Don’t Seize, the Means of Production. Stacco Troncoso & Ann Marie Utratel, Truthout, January 2018
- From Copyleft to Copyfarleft: The need for a Commons-Based Reciprocity License. P2P Foundation blog, January 2015
- Peer Production License. DisCO Ball wiki
- Think Global, Print Local and licensing for the Commons. Stacco Troncoso, Stacco Troncoso blog, May 2016
- FairShares homepage. Fairshares website
- Fairshares and Co-operative Values. Fairshares wiki
- What does "permissionless" mean? Peter Van Valkenburgh, Coin Center, January 2017
- Capitalism: an introduction. Steven May, Libcom.org, May 2011
- 7 Cooperative Principles. Infographic, Diverse Power website
- Basic criteria for prospective Guerrilla Translators. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- !Mediengruppe Bitnik + Omsk Social Club. Abandon Normal Devices website
- Facecoin In More Detail. Rhea Myers, Rhea Myers blog, January 2014
- Plantoid. Plantoid website
- Dogecoin homepage. Dogecoin website
- Richard D. Wolff. Wikipedia article
- Economic Prosperity and Economic Democracy: The Worker Co-Op Solution. Richard D. Wolff, Truthout, January 2014
- Rick Wolff: A Cure for Capitalism. The Extraenviromentalist video channel
- The Extraenvironmentalist. The Extraenvironmentalist website
- Power and Imagination. Yuval Noah Harari, author's website
- Internal link to Don’t leave me this way: Who’s dancing at this DisCO?
- Dweb. Get Dweb.net
- The Human Condition. Wikipedia article
- The Left. Contrapoints YouTube channel
- How can I take part in the Commons Transition? Commons Transition Primer website
Chapter 6 Footnotes:
- A Postcapitalist Politics. J. K. Gibson-Graham, University of Minnesota Press, March 2006
- J. K. Gibson-Graham. Wikipedia article
- Guerrilla Media Collective S.Coop.And de Interés Social. Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki
- How on Earth: Flourishing in a Not-For-Profit World by 2050. How on Earth website
- The Breaks. Kurtis Blow. Youtube video

CHAPTER 7: The Last Dance: The Future is Unwritten
- David Fleming. Wikiquote
- PAF Basics. Performing Arts Forum (PAF) website
- Practicing Accountability at PAF. Performing Arts Forum (PAF) website
- Freedom technologists and the future of global justice. John Postill, TNI State of Power report 2016, January 2016
- A Beginner’s Guide To The Decentralized Internet. Lisa Blanning, Electronic Beats, September 2018
- The Cult of Sharing. Mike Bulajewski, Meta Reader, August 2014
- Don’t buy the blockchain hype. Ersin Akinci, Medium, February 2018
- P2P Models. P2P Models website
- OSCoin. OSCoin website
- Economic Space Agency – Protocols For Post-Capitalist Economic Expression. Economic Space Agency website
- DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab. Furtherfield website
- The Commons Stack. Commons Stack website
- What is Distributed Governance? Max Semenchuk, Dgov Foundation Blog, Medium, October 2018
- Giveth. Giveth website
- Trustlines. Trustlines website
- Join Circles. Circles UBI website
- terra0. terra0 website
- Common Ground: Securing Land Rights and Safeguarding the Earth. Fred Pearce, Oxfam, March 2016
- Measuring the Size and Scope of the Cooperative Economy: Results of the 2014 Global Census on Co-operatives. Dave Grace & Associates, April 2014
- Co-Op Ownership: 175 Years Of People Over Profits. Lauren Gawthrop, The Good Food's blog, August 2018
- Towards an Open Cooperativism. David Bollier, Pat Conaty and John Restakis. Commons Strategies Group, September 205
- Not alone: what the UK can learn from union co-ops. Pat Conaty, Open Democracy, December 2016
- History of Trade Unions. Wikipedia article
- Trade unions around the world support global climate strike. Matthew Taylor, The Guardian, September 2019
- Not alone: what the UK can learn from union co-ops. Pat Conaty, P2P Foundation blog, December 2016
- Working Together: Trade union and co-operative innovations for precarious workers. Pat Conaty, Alex Bird and Cilla Ross, Cooperatives UK
- 78% of companies say they run operations on open source. Paul Santinelli, OpenSource.com, May 2015
- The Open Source Way. Opensource.com website
- How open-source software took over the world. Mike Voplu, TechCrunch, January 2019
- Buen Vivir. Sergio Beltrán, This Changes Everything website
- What is Social Solidarity Economy. Ripess website
- Radical Municipalism: Fearless Cities. Jenny Gellatly and Marcos Rivero, P2P Foundation blog, April 2018
- What Exactly Is Ecofeminism? JR Thorpe, Bustle, April 2016
- Decoloniality. Wikipedia article
- What is Degrowth? Degrowth.info website
- Maker culture. Wikipedia article
- What is Permaculture? Permaculture UK website
- Anti-austerity movement. Wikipedia article
- What are P2P Politics? Commons Transition Primer website
- Fearless Cities. Fearless Cities website
- Commons-Public Partnerships. DisCO Ball wiki
- Commonification of Public Services. P2P Foundation wiki
- How Feminism Helps Everyone. Carly Friesen, Carly Friesen blog, August 2017
- Feminism is not only about equality, and there is more work to do!Ernest W. Adams, Quora
- DisCO Project. DisCO Basics website
- Strengthening the Movement for a Cooperative Digital Economy Through The Platform Co-op Development Kit. Trebor Scholz, Platform Cooperativism Consortium, September 2019
- Scuttlebutt social network: a decentralised platform. Secure Scuttlebutt website
- Activity Pub. Activity Pub website
- Valueflows. Valueflows website
- IPFS powers the Distributed Web. IPFS website
- Radicle. Radicle website
- Reni Eddo-Lodge, author's website
Chapter 6 Footnotes:
- P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival. Michel Bauwens and Alex Pazaitis, P2P Foundation, Guerrilla Foundation, Schoepflin Foundation and Guerrilla Media Collective
- Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software. Richard Stallman, GNU.org
- Platform cooperativism as a critique of open-source. Nathan Schneider, P2P Foundation blog, May 2016
- Open source is only ajar without inclusion. Emma Irwin, dist://ed, March 2019
- What are sidechains? Shaan Ray, Hackernoon, January 2018
- Sharding: What it is and why many blockchain protocols rely on it. Lucas Mearian,Computerworld, January 2019
- DisCO Manifesto Authorship